Teenink - A monthly magazine, website, and book series written completely by teens for teens

Teen Lit - A website for all your writing needs.

Teen Reads - Book reviews, authors, and great information.

Teens Point - Reviews galore, includes homework help, writers corner, cool links and loads of teen interests.

Smart Girl - A great website for teen girls who love to read and write. Take surveys, get beauty tips, and great advice for girls.

dMarie Time Capsule - Make your own online time capsule. Enter a date, select from top headlines and birthdates of celebrities, tops hits, top TV shows, hot toys, books, etc.

Guinness Book of World Records - The online version of the infamous record book. You can also submit your own records and record attempts!

National Youth Advocacy Coalition - This organization supports young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBT).

Snopes.com - Examine not only the truth or reality behind urban legends, "but also common fallacies, misinformation, old wives' tales, strange news stories, rumors, celebrity gossip, and similar items."

Teen Consumers - Sponsored by the Washington State Attorney General's Office and written by teens, check out this consumer guide that addresses topics of teen interest-- modeling scams, CD clubs, piercing, sports drinks, tanning, driving laws, scholarship scams, and many more.

CopeCareDeal -The Sunnylands' Adolescent Mental Health Initiative website with expert information on anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, mood disorders, and other mental health topics.

Schmoop - Shmoop will make you a better lover*... *(of literature, history, poetry, life)